Dr. Dennis Kimbro’s Testimonial

DennisWhy anyone chooses to live a life of hum-drum and mediocrity has always been a puzzle to me. And, here’s why. Several weeks ago, as I prepared to catch another flight to another city from Atlanta’s Hartsfield-Jackson airport, I received a phone call that literally placed me in a land that few people have traveled. Calling from Prince George’s County, Maryland, was a dear friend, Richard Patenaude, requesting that I share my thoughts regarding his interactive program entitled The Student Millionaire. Without hesitation, I told Richard that I would be honor-ed.


Call it fate, luck, chance, coincidence? I don’t believe so. Nothing is coincidental. I am convinced that many times in the course of our lives, the Creator challenges us to be more and to do more than what we thought possible. I know nothing of the student population in the area where Richard resides. I do know, however, like so many of our younger generation they are in search of a better life – increased wealth, health, and personal fulfillment. What Richard’s program reveals has been known by only a fortunate few. Ironically, the keys contained within have evaded both the educated and the illiterate, not to mention the least, the last, and the lost. Contained within this daily life-changing guide are powerful tools that you can use, not only to construct a new life, but to improve the lives of others, as well as how to turn your dreams into reality. Within this program students will quickly learn how to develop the “life-changing habits” of men and women who have gone from rags to riches; from breakdown to breakthrough; and from garage to greatness. Our youth will learn how to organize their personal life in such a way that they will achieve all of their goals and objectives faster than you ever imagined. But I must warn you. Each student must listen with an open heart and an open mind and be prepared to act. All the noble thoughts, well intended plans, and keys to personal enrichment are of little value unless they are placed into action. To begin a journey such as this requires an act of faith. The faith to accept new thoughts, new ideas and concepts that will enable each of us to not only grow in every dimension but to preserve our emotional well-being long into the future. So now I challenge each school administrator to not only use this touchstone for the next thirty days, but the remainder of the academic year as well. How the next generation reacts or fails to react determines the course of their future. Trust me. Our faith will be rewarded.


Thank you, Richard, for allowing me to perform the first task on my thirty day journey.


Dennis Kimbro, Ph.D.
Author, Think & Grow Rich: A Black
Choice & The Wealth Choice