
Imagine – what a magnificent word. Just think of all the wonderful things that were created by individuals who just Imagined!


The most obvious, of course, is Thomas Edison and the light bulb. Just consider how that little invention has so very much transformed our lives.

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My Secret Sauce

You often hear the expression “My Secret Sauce” or “The Silver Bullet” or “The Magic Ingredient” when someone tries to describe that special something that made something work for them. I’d like to share my Secret Sauce with you today.

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Expect to Be a Millionaire!

Expecting to be a Millionaire should be as common as expecting to graduate from High School!

And why not? You expect to get through High School, don’t you? You expect someday to own a home, don’t you? You expect to have a job that allows you to do these things, don’t you? So why not expect to be a Millionaire?

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You Gotta Take Time to Listen to Your Intuition!

I will be saying this over and over again because it is absolutely key and you cannot become a Millionaire without doing this!
You absolutely must take the time to listen to your intuition. Why? Because your intuition will both give you or lead you to your Million-Dollar idea, and it will also show you the way to get yourself there.
And the way you listen to your intuition is to be quiet! In this day and age, quiet seems to be hard to do. But it is absolutely a must. Quiet means cell phone off, computer off, TV off, no headphones, no interruptions of ANY kind including people, cats and dogs. No disruptions means no disruptions.
Put a skull and bones KEEP OUT sign on your door, if you must. No distractions – NONE!
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