You Can’t Do It Alone.

You’ve all heard the expressions No man is an island and It takes a village to raise a child. This is especially true when it comes to your quest to make your First Million Dollars. Ask any successful entrepreneur today if he or she was able to achieve success without anybody’s help. I’m 110% certain that the answer would be a resounding “No!” Of course not. Everyone needs help to get there.
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The Importance of Putting a Deadline on Your Million-Dollar Goal.

In The Student Millionaire training, I give you a goal of $1,000,000. In Chapter Three of the book – The Goal – I describe in detail why the goal is a Million Dollars. A Million Dollars is a life-changer for most people. How would your life change if you suddenly had a Million Dollars in the bank? What would you be doing differently with your day? How would you think differently?
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We Need To Teach Our Young To Be Millionaires

Photo of Rich Patenaude with members of the 1st Student Millionaire Club

We must teach our Young Adults that it’s OK to want to be a Millionaire.

When I speak at schools, I ask students what they want to be when they grow up. I get answers like a doctor, a nurse, a policeman, a hairdresser, a scientist. Some creative types even want to be musicians. Never, ever, do I get the response “I want to be a Millionaire!” But when I ask them if they want to be a Millionaire, then all hands go up.
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Keep Moving Forward, Regardless!

Wiser words for business success were never spoken. These awesome words came from someone I know who immigrated to this country as a teenager, not speaking any English, and now has a Million-Dollar-a-year Online Information business, complete with a product suite and live events. She knows of what she speaks.


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