You’ve all heard the expressions No man is an island and It takes a village to raise a child. This is especially true when it comes to your quest to make your First Million Dollars. Ask any successful entrepreneur today if he or she was able to achieve success without anybody’s help. I’m 110% certain that the answer would be a resounding “No!” Of course not. Everyone needs help to get there.
You may not know this person today. But rest assured that when you need a particular person to accomplish a particular task, that person will magically appear. To paraphrase an old Chinese proverb, When the student is ready, the Teacher appears. The same is remarkably true in business.
When I retired from work a little over a year ago, I was searching for something useful to do with the rest of my life. I had some physical limitations due to some medical issues I had experienced. So it had to be something that fit with my natural gifts and talents, and that I was still able to do.
In the space of a week, I was invited to a small workshop conducted by none other than the incomparable motivational speaker Les Brown (see YouTube), and to a luncheon where the speaker was a Professional Speaking Coach. The Universe was telling me something. If I could still walk and I could still talk, I could still make a buck.
So began The Student Millionaire journey. I had a Personal Development Coach at the time. And since we had achieved in spades what I hired him to do, using my intuition, I moved on to work with that Professional Speaking Coach. In my quest for my First Million Dollars as a professional speaker, this coach led me through the steps I needed to take to become the Expert who wrote The Student Millionaire. This included reading a lot of books, writing articles, and attending a lot of training sessions and workshops.
Four months ago, overwhelmed by all the moving parts that go into publishing a book, and creating a website and platform to promote my message to the world, I contracted with a Business Coach who specializes in sequencing. Sequencing is the art of doing things in the right order to get you as efficiently as possible to your intended goal. It’s a specialty.
Then there was the Book Publisher Coach who guided me on the best way to get The Student Millionaire out to the world. All these people and many more made it possible for me to share these Golden Nuggets with you today. Your path will be no different. It will magically unfold before your eyes as mine did for me. You’ll see.
Until next time,
Rich Patenaude
Wealth Coach to Young Adults