The Importance of Quiet Time.

In this busy 24/7 world of ours, quiet time can be as rare as an expensive diamond, and sometimes can be just as valuable.

Does anyone ever go for quiet walks anymore? Does anyone ever set quiet time aside with a pad of paper (or a tablet) and just take the time to think undisturbed about something, and write down what comes up?

What does this have to do with becoming a Millionaire? Everything!

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It has everything to do with coming up with your Million-Dollar Idea, even if it’s only the beginning of one, or pointing you in the right direction.

It has everything to do with your next steps after you come up with your idea.

It has everything to do with who you should meet or call, what you should do, and where you should go.

This is where your intuition comes into play. This is how you listen to it, how you let it guide you through your next steps to your Million-Dollar Goal.

Your intuition has a hard time guiding you if your mind is cluttered 24/7 with all the things you think you have to do.

Slow down! You need to take the time to think – away from computers, phones, dogs, people, and whatever else competes for your time.

Find a quiet place, pour yourself a beverage and ask yourself the burning question of the day. Then pause and listen to what bubbles up. Don’t rush it. Let it take the time that it takes.

For example, say your passion is about coming up with a clothing line. What do you do? What are your resources today? Who can you talk to? What do you know about fashion design? How do you get started? Daymond John of Shark Tank went bankrupt three times before successfully launching his successful clothing line FUBU. He clearly had to do a lot of thinking and soul-searching.

And when you get tired, take a break. Then come back to it until you have your question answered to your satisfaction.

You will need to get better at using quiet time to think as a tool for the rest of your life.

So do yourself a favor and start getting into the habit of squirreling away a few minutes for yourself, here and there, just to think. You will be amazed at the clarity this brings you on your Million-Dollar Idea.

Rich Patenaude

Wealth Coach to Young Adults
