You’ve Gotta Believe!

Easier said than done.

Here you are, you’ve firmly decided to be a Millionaire. You understand the greater purpose you fulfill by being a Millionaire. You have your Million-Dollar target. Like a good Student, you’ve given yourself a deadline by which you will reach that target. You understand how, by keeping that goal in the forefront of your mind each and every day, you are giving your subconscious mind its marching orders to help you make this happen. Your subconscious mind, in turn, activates the Law of Attraction by which the Universe magically makes available to you the ideas, the people, the resources you need to make all this happen. And you understand how your intuition serves you as your personal GPS to help you navigate your way through all of this, always keeping you on track toward your goal. WOW! Now there’s a sequence and a process! But this is how it works – for everyone, no exceptions.

Believing Blog 11

And the glue that holds all of this together is Believing!

If you don’t buy into any one of the aspects described above, then it just can’t work. You have to believe in all the above and more. You have to believe in yourself. You have to believe that being a Millionaire can happen to you. You have to believe that you are just as deserving of being a Millionaire as the next guy or gal. You have to believe that you are just as worthy of being a Millionaire as the next guy or gal. You have to believe that you can make it happen for yourself. You have to believe that you are smart enough to make this happen for yourself. You have to believe that you have all the connections, all the contacts and all the resources you need right now to get on with it and make this happen for yourself.

You just have to Believe!

Because you probably didn’t grow up in a Million-Dollar home, or know any Millionaires growing up, or pal around with your Millionaire friends on the weekend, just the thought of being a Millionaire is probably a stretch for you. That’s why Believing is so important. You have to overcome the mindset you grew up with, and replace it with a new Millionaire mindset full of new possibilities for you. Go ahead, indulge yourself. It doesn’t cost anything except for a few minutes of your time. And, Oh! The benefits! After a few short weeks, your outlook and beliefs about all this will begin to change. You’ll notice it. What was initially uncomfortable will become comfortable. What seemed improbable and impossible will now, remarkably, seem inevitable. Congratulations! You are now entering the new mindset of a Millionaire. You Believe!

Until next time,

Rich Patenaude
Wealth Coach to Young Adults
